Police / Diversity
Women make excellent police officers!
Police Officer Nicole Hatchett – It is because I am a woman that I am successful as a police officer. I am motivated by traditional gender norms to do things people don’t expect a female to be able to do. I’m the first and only female on the Critical Response Team. I challenged myself to make it because no other female had, and it was something I knew I wanted to do since I was hired.
Police Sergeant Donitka Boyett – A career in law enforcement creates a stable income for a family. The Bowling Green Police Department’s culture is very supportive of women when they start to grow their family by providing safe and healthy modified duty assignments to pregnant officers, generous leave policies, and inexpensive family insurance plans.
Police Sergeant Jennie McShane – The idea that a career in law enforcement is only for men is thankfully outdated. I find that I frequently have an easier time dealing with the public because of my gender. For example; with other women, victims, or people going through challenging times. My life experiences, my gender, and my background help me to relate to some people but not to everyone. To fully serve our community we need as many different life experiences and backgrounds as possible.
Detective Jess Parry – I was originally hired as a dispatcher. It wasn’t long before I became interested in becoming a police officer. I was worried about being taken seriously because I am a small female, but with a lot of encouragement I started working out to meet the physical requirements. I was hired as a police officer and I recently was appointed to being a detective. The BGPD offers so many opportunities to women who want a career in law enforcement.